Take Control


Be your own advocate!
YOU will make the best health decisions for yourself! Rather than relinquish this right to whomever is available, take the personal responsibility to REGAIN your good health!

 Then take what you've learned and share it with your loved ones & friends!

Need help & support? Reach out...we can help you navigate towards good health and a Proper Human Diet.

#PHDsynergy #PHD #myhealthjourney




Article Link: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/02/us/nurse-heather-pressdee-sentenced-patient-deaths-pennsylvania/index.html

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Gut Health: Your Second Brain

We had a great discussion with Coach Paulette about Gut Health. She has an extensive career in the petroleum industry, as well as sales & teaching.  She is a Certified Primal Health Coach, with a specialization in Gut Health.

#Gut #GutHealth 

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The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

The Proper Human Diet coupled with some Fasting strategies is what made all the difference for me...it was the lynchpin! Returning to an ancestrally-appropriate way of eating, a better understanding of how humans have existed as a species for so long, has opened the doorway to dramatically better health.

I was getting a lot of positive results from diet (food choices), alone. But once I added some intermittent fasting, my results increased dramatically! And it wasn't that difficult, if you take it one step at a time.





Intermittent fasting (IF) has gained popularity for its potential health benefits. Here are some of the benefits:

1. Weight Loss: Intermittent fasting can create a calorie deficit, leading to weight loss. By restricting the eating window, individuals may naturally consume fewer calories.


2. Improved Insulin Sensitivity: IF may help lower insulin levels, leading to improved insulin sensitivity. This can be beneficial in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.



3. Metabolic Health: IF may contribute to better metabolic health by promoting fat oxidation and reducing inflammation.


4. Heart Health: Some studies suggest that intermittent fasting may improve cardiovascular health by reducing risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides.


5. Cellular Repair and Autophagy: Fasting triggers a process called autophagy, where cells remove damaged components. This is thought to contribute to cellular repair and may have anti-aging effects.


6. Brain Health: There is some evidence that intermittent fasting may support brain health by promoting the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein associated with cognitive function.



7. Cancer Prevention: Some animal studies suggest that intermittent fasting may have potential benefits in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. However, more research in humans is needed.



8. Longevity: Studies in animals have shown that intermittent fasting can extend lifespan, although the evidence in humans is still inconclusive.



It's important to note that while many people find intermittent fasting beneficial, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain health conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with a history of eating disorders should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any fasting regimen. Have a conversation with your doctor.


That's nice, but how do I start?!?!

Well, let's start off with "What does 'intermittent' mean"? The Cambridge English Dictionary defines it as "occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady". So, by definition, these events are NOT occurring at regular intervals or on a strict schedule.


"Fasting" as we will use it here, is abstaining from food or drinks that will raise blood glucose & elicit an insulin response. So, all foods, as well as drinks except for water (with sugar-free electrolytes), black coffee, and plain tea.

"PF" stands for "periodic feeding" (or what I like to refer to as an "Eating Window"). This is the selected range of time in which you choose to eat.

"FMD" is an acronym for "Fasting-Mimicking Diet", a diet (like a ketogenic diet) that affects the metabolism, insulin, ghrelin, leptin & other hormonal responses in a similar fashion to that of a true fast (complete abstinence from all food).

OMAD means One Meal A Day; TMAD (or 2MAD) means Two Meals a Day...the number of discrete, complete meals your consume during your Eating Window.



Getting Started

The simplest way to get started with I.F. is to "tack on" to your current schedule. Do you sleep at night? Let's assume you sleep for 8 hours (an are not eating in your sleep ?): upon waking, wait an additional hour before eating any food (you've now fasted for 9 hours); at the end of the day, stop eating at least one hour before you go to bed (which sets you up to fast for 10 hours the next day!). Do this for 2 weeks, then add another 1 hour on both sides...you're up to a 12 hr fast! Do that for 2 weeks....you see where this is going! Start simple, and build.


Putting It All Together

So here are some examples of Fasting Protocols you can use as guide to get started. There is nothing set in stone here, and you will WANT to stay flexible with this. Remember, "intermittent" means "not at regular intervals" so feel free to mix it up.



Fast from food for 16 consecutive hours; then eat 1,2, or 3 meals within the remaining 8 hrs according to your chosen WoE (Way of Eating).


Fast from food for 18 consecutive hours; then eat 1,2, or 3 meals within the remaining 6 hrs according to your chosen WoE (Way of Eating).


Fast from food for 20 consecutive hours; then eat 1 or 2 meals within the remaining 4 hrs according to your chosen WoE (Way of Eating).

OMAD/24 Hrs

Fast for 24 consecutive hours, then eat one, single meal.


Below are some examples for weekly schedules you can use to implement the above Fasting Strategies.

5-1-1 (most common for gradual fat loss & maintenance)

I.F. for 5 days of the week; no fasting 1 day, followed by a 24 hr fast.


4-1-2 (used for more aggressive fat loss)

I.F. 4 days, no fasting one day, followed by a 48 hr fast.


3-3-1 (very aggressive fat loss), supervision recommended)

I.F. 3 days, 72 hr fast, one day no fasting



Now, remember when discussed what "intermittent" means? That’s right, NOT at regular intervals...even on a weekly basis. Feel free to mix it up by day or by week. Sometimes I'll be in the middle of a 5-1-1 and just not be hungry that day...so I'll fast! And change up your eating window times, too....if you tend to break your fast around 2pm, maybe tomorrow break it at 4pm. It's ok to adjust to your work, school, or social schedule, too. 




So there you go....some basics on how to get started with intermittent fasting and begin getting it's advantages.


Do you need help putting intermittent fasting & other lifestyle changes in your life?

We can help you...reach out, and let's talk!





Copyright © 2024 PHDsynergy. All Rights Reserved.

Health Coaches do not diagnose or treat illnesses, diseases, prescribe medications, give medical advice, or perform functions of a medical professional. Always consult your doctor for medical issues or concerns.

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Keto Pizza Shootout

Which will win?!?!?!
Keto-fied Magical Mystery Tour pizza on low-carb tortillas, modified fathead dough, or keto focaccia bread?
with Julie Burcham


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Rethinking Diabetes

Are you a type 2 diabetic? Is someone you love a T2D?

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BTS: Recipe videos on the way!

Up first... homemade keto PESTO!!


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Meat Sticks: the "original" protein bar

Here's Julie cooking up some delicious meat sticks!

-Boneless pork ribs

-Black Pepper

-Garlic **forgot to add in the video**


-Minced Onion

-Redmond's Real Salt

-Celery Seed

-Ground Cumin

Bake @ 350 deg for +/- 1 hr, plate & enjoy!!

www.PHDsynergy.com : find out how to optimize your health!

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How to get enough CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a compound that plays a crucial role in producing energy in the cells and has antioxidant properties. Lack of energy production from the mitochondria can mean reduced muscle contraction, including but not limited to the heart. While the body can produce CoQ10, it can also be obtained through certain foods. Here are some foods (obtained by Dr Google, edited by me) that are relatively rich in Coenzyme Q10:

  1. Fish: Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna are good sources of CoQ10.

  2. Meat: Organ meats such as liver and kidney contain higher levels of CoQ10. Beef, pork, and chicken also provide moderate amounts.

  3. Whole grains: Whole grains like wheat germ and whole wheat contain CoQ10. Inflammatory

  4. Vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower are vegetables that contain CoQ10. Potentially inflammatory, low amount of CoQ10

  5. Legumes: Soybeans and peanuts are good plant-based sources of CoQ10. Inflammatory

  6. Nuts and Seeds: Sesame seeds and pistachio nuts are examples of nuts and seeds that contain CoQ10Inflammatory

  7. Fruits: Oranges and strawberries are among the fruits that provide CoQ10, although the amounts are relatively lower compared to other sources. Inflammatory, high in glucose

  8. Oils: Certain oils, such as soybean oil, canola oil, and olive oil, contain CoQ10.

Keep in mind that the levels of CoQ10 in food can vary, and cooking methods may affect its concentration. Can CoQ10 supplements be a benefit?  Maybe....but have that conversation with your healthcare provider. There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of supplements on the market, but none will have the bio-availability and concentration as "just eating your meat".

 In the meantime, eat as meat-heavy of a diet as you can, focusing on the foods (beef, pork, chicken, organ meats, and fish) as you can...that will be the most nutrient-rich & bio-available option.


For further information on the benefits of CoQ10:


and a video from Dr. Berry:  https://youtu.be/JyesYEq9_mU?si=jtxSRZQavRvWDkmE


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Iodine: Vital for Health

Iodine is an essential trace element that plays a crucial role in various physiological functions in the human body. Here are some key aspects of the importance of iodine:

1. Thyroid Function:

Iodine is a critical component of thyroid hormones, such as thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones are essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which, in turn, regulates the body's metabolism.

A deficiency in iodine can lead to thyroid disorders, including goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland) and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), which can result in fatigue, weight gain, and other health issues.

2. Brain Development:

Iodine is especially crucial during pregnancy and infancy for proper brain development. Adequate iodine intake by pregnant women is essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones in the fetus, promoting normal cognitive function.

3. Prevention of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD):

Iodine deficiency is a significant global health concern, leading to a range of disorders collectively known as Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD). These disorders include goiter, cretinism (a condition characterized by severe physical and mental developmental delays), and various other cognitive impairments.

The most effective way to prevent IDD is through the consumption of iodine-rich foods or the use of iodized salt.

4. Immune System Support:

Iodine has been suggested to have antimicrobial properties and may play a role in supporting the immune system. It is involved in the body's defense against pathogens.

5. Breast Health:

Iodine is concentrated in breast tissue and is believed to play a role in breast health. Some studies suggest that iodine deficiency may be linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.

6. Regulation of Hormones:

Iodine is involved in the synthesis of various hormones beyond those produced by the thyroid gland. It can influence the function of other endocrine glands, such as the adrenal glands, and play a role in hormone regulation.

7. Dietary Sources:

Iodine is primarily obtained through the diet. Seafood, seaweed, dairy products, and iodized salt are common sources of iodine. However, the availability of iodine in the soil and, consequently, in food can vary regionally.

Also, availability of naturally-occurring iodine can vary greatly by location.  Coastal areas not only have readily-available seafood, but the SOIL that the plants grow in is much more iodine-rich; and the animals that graze on those plants transfer it through the food chain.  Land-locked regions have soil with much less (or no) iodine in it, and supplementation should definitely be considered.


It's important to note that while iodine is essential for health, excessive intake can also lead to adverse effects. Therefore, maintaining an appropriate balance is crucial for overall well-being. If you have concerns about your iodine levels or thyroid health, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.



A general recommendation for iodine supplementation is 2-5 drops/day of Lugol's 2%, available at most health food stores & online store. 

Here are some videos from Dr Berry discussing the benefits of healthy iodine levels.



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